
Publication date: January 2025

ISBN (Hardcover): 978-2-494635-13-5

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The Tale of a Refugee and a Rat in Pandemic Paris

by Pinaki Bhattacharya

edited and introduced by David Selim Sayers

Amidst the quiet, deserted streets of pandemic Paris, a refugee from Bangladesh finds himself alone in his apartment with a tiny rat. He names her Fulkumari and forms an imaginary pact with her, reminiscent of the Arabian Nights. Telling her a story each day, the refugee unravels the layers of his past. Tales of revolution, famine, and civil war intertwine with the poetry, philosophy, and myths of an entire culture; precious moments of family intimacy come alive in flavours, smells, and sounds. As the bond between the two strengthens, each story becomes a thread in a tapestry of meaning, bravely reaffirming a world on the verge of falling apart.
Fulkumari is a #1 Amazon Bestseller – find out more!
Fulkumari‘s Bengali translation is coming soon – find out more!