PICT Faculty Lectures VII
The PICT Faculty Lectures series returns with its 7th event: “The Desire to Believe: Perspectives from Medieval Catholic Thought,” a talk by philosophy scholar Nicolas Faucher (CNRS, Humboldt University Berlin). The event is free and open to the public.
What are the affective motives for religious belief? In the Middle Ages, Catholic thinkers proposed different answers to this question. Since faith is a virtue, and all acts of virtue are ultimately supposed to be motivated by the love of God, there would seem to be a privileged connection between love and belief. However, it is far from obvious that love (which is emotional and affective) and belief (which is intellectual and cognitive) can be linked in this way, and medieval authors developed a variety of conceptual models to account for this linkage. Exploring these models, Nicolas Faucher finds that they help us better understand old and new religious movements, whether Christian or otherwise, and give us insight into essential features of religious thinking and life.
The talk is free and open to the public.
Wednesday, 31 May 2023, 19:30
Maison de la Vie Associative et Citoyenne de Paris Centre—Site Marais
5 rue Perrée, 75003 Paris