Salamis Ayşegül Şentuğ Tuğyan Curates Exhibition in Istanbul

The exhibition Dünya Burada Bitsin (“May the World End Here”), curated by PICT contributor Salamis Ayşegül Şentuğ Tuğyan and Nihat Özdal, opened in Istanbul on 10 January 2025. The exhibition will welcome the public at Hasan Sarıtaş Gallery until 25 January 2025.

Dünya Burada Bitsin features videos, photography, and mixed media works by Cypriot artists Sümer Erek, Uygar Erdim, İsmail Gökçe, Nurtane Karagil, Erdoğan Kavaz, Nihat Özdal, and Rahme Veziroğlu. The exhibition finds the artists offering a creative response to Emel Kaya’s 2024 poetry book of the same name. Thematically, the poet and the artists converge on an eco-poetic inquiry and critique of the Anthropocene age, inviting the viewer to look at the world not only with a critical human eye, but also from the perspective of the non-human.

Salamis Ayşegül Şentuğ Tuğyan is a writer, poet, and educator from Cyprus. She is the host and producer of the PICT podcast mini-series Let’s Get Bored and the Creative Director of the currently ongoing redesign of the PICT website.

Previously shown in Lefkoşa and İzmir, the exhibition will travel to Paris and Berlin in the upcoming months. Watch a short video of the exhibition here.
